How Long Does It Take to Train a Dog? (A Simple Guide)

For a lot of new dog owners, it is common to ask how long it takes to train a dog, especially for basic verbal commands. You would be surprised to know there are several factors when it comes to training your dog or puppy. These vary depending on breed, age, and temperament. Simple commands like sit, stay, and the like can be taught in a few weeks with daily training sessions. Every dog is unique. But with a positive attitude, consistency, and (a lot of) patience, your furry friend can learn to be a well-behaved dog.

Quick Summary:

  • How long it takes to train a dog varies by breed, age, temperament, and learning abilities.
  • Consistency, patience, and efficient training methods are key to helping your dog learn simple commands
  • Teaching your dogs basic commands trains them to learn boundaries, obedience, and ensure their safety.

When Should You Start Training Your Dog?

When it comes to training your dog, now will always be the best time. While it is recommended to train dogs while they are puppies, it doesn't mean that older dogs cannot learn new tricks. As long as they are healthy and able, training dogs have no age limit.1 But remember, the sooner you begin, the quicker your dog will learn. Training your dog not only ensures good behaviour, but also strengthens the bond you have with each other.  While saying sit and stay may seem simple, these commands will help you and your dog in many ways in and out of home.

Number of Sessions to Train a Dog

While some dogs may pick up on basic commands quickly, others may require more time and repetition. The number of sessions it takes to train a dog depends on their breed, age, and previous training experiences. Basic commands like sit, stay, and come, typically take several sessions for a dog to learn and consistently follow. However, more complex commands may require additional sessions for your furry friend to grasp and become proficient at them. Training sessions should be done regularly, but in short durations to prevent fatigue. Overall, patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are key ingredients to successfully training a dog regardless of the number of sessions required.

Related: How to Stop Dog Barking at Night?

Ways to Train Your Dog

Training your dog is important to ensure they are well-behaved and can live harmoniously with you and your family. These are the several effective ways you can train your dog:

Crate Training

dog crate training

Crate training is a popular method that involves using a crate or kennel as a safe space for your dog for short periods of time. It is a fantastic tool for teaching your dog discipline and helping them feel secure. It also helps with housebreaking as dogs naturally avoid soiling their sleeping area. The crate should be a comfortable and positive environment, and the training should be done gradually with positive reinforcement.

Potty Training

Potty training is one of the top must haves in dog training to avoid any surprises at home. Consistency is key to help your dog learn to relieve themselves in appropriate areas in and out of home. Establish a routine by taking your dog outside frequently and closely monitoring their behaviour to learn their habits better.

Leash Training

leash training a dog by its owner

With the many different sights and sounds your dog will get exposed to, going outside might not always be a walk in the park. That is why leash training is necessary to ensure your dog can walk calmly. Consistent training (and treats) can help teach your dog to walk beside you without pulling or being reactive to distractions.

As dog owner, one must know how tight should a dog collar be because if the collar is too tight, it can cause discomfort. However, if the collar is too loose, your dog could easily grab onto it and either tear it apart or slip out of it. This not only ensures their safety, but also makes walking enjoyable for the both of you.

Clicker Training

Clicker training from the name itself uses a clicker to mark desired behaviours and rewards the dog with treats or praise. The 'clicking' sounds signal your dog when a certain behaviour they just performed will result in a reward. This form of training is especially effective for teaching tricks, new behaviours as well as shaping existing ones.

By applying these training methods consistently and with patience, you can help train your dog to become a well-behaved and obedient companion.

Basic Dog Commands to Use

dog owner training a dog basic commands

Basic dog commands serve as a way to communicate with our furry friends and help us create a harmonious relationship with one another. Here is a list of common dog commands that your dog can learn:


"Sit" is a command that sets a good foundation for other basic commands.2 It teaches a dog to stay in one place and not jump on people or furniture. This is particularly useful during meal times or when guests arrive.2 It helps your dog learn to be still and well-behaved, making it easier to control them in various situations.


Working in tandem with the "sit" command, "stay" teaches dogs to remain in a specific position until given another command. This can be helpful when doing chores or feeding time.2 The "stay" command is also crucial for safety reasons and prevents dogs from running off or getting into dangerous situations. By teaching your dog to stay, you can have better control over their behaviour and ensure their safety.


The command "down" instructs dogs to lie down and is useful for calming them in high-energy situations.3 It teaches your dog to lie down on command, which can be useful and a preventive measure in various situations such as jumping on people or furniture. Additionally, "down" helps instil discipline, control, and would make a good start to train your dog to learn good manners and obedience.


The "come" command ensures your dog or puppy knows when to return to you when they are called. It promotes good behaviour and more importantly, is essential for safety purposes and can even be lifesaving in potentially hazardous situations4 such as crossing roads or other dangers.

Off/leave it

The commands "off" or "leave it" are important for preventing dogs from picking up or eating harmful objects, and jumping on people. No matter the age, dogs and puppies by nature will have moments of curiosity especially when exposed to new experiences.3 It teaches them restraint and helps keep them safe during walks or playtime. By using this command consistently, they can learn to obey and avoid potential dangers, which is important for their well-being and should be included in every dog's obedience training.


Another command that helps teach your dog restraint is "heel". This teaches dogs how to walk politely on a leash without pulling or straining and walking closely beside you.5 This command "heel" is important when walking in public areas or crowded places to ensure your dog's safety and prevent any unwanted behaviour.


Lastly, the command "no" helps to establish boundaries and discourages unwanted behaviours.6 While it may seem like a basic command, "no" is essential for your dog's obedience training. It teaches them to refrain from engaging in certain behaviours or harmful actions towards you and others. By consistently using this, your dog learns to understand what is or is not acceptable.

Overall, these basic commands lay the foundation for good behaviour and provide dogs with structure and guidance, making them happier and safer companions.


Every dog is unique and therefore can have different learning abilities when it comes to learning commands while training. While there is no specific age or time frame requirement,1 here are a few things that might help you learn more about your dog’s training sessions.

While we hope for our dogs to learn commands quickly, to fully train a dog in 2 weeks is quite a short period for them to learn. How long it takes to train for any level of training achieved may vary. The duration largely depends on the breed, age, and temperament of the dog, as well as the dog owner’s consistency and quality of training methods used.7 Simple commands like sit and stay can possibly be taught, but more complex behaviours may require additional time and patience.

While training can feel more challenging as your dog ages, there really is no specific age limit for learning.1 Puppies are generally more receptive to training, and can easily pick up simple commands at a young age. However, with a bit more patience and consistency, adult dogs can be trained just as effectively. Basic commands, such as sit, stay, and come, can be taught to dogs of all ages, as long as the training methods are appropriate and consistent. Every dog is different, and some may learn faster or slower than others regardless of their age.

How long it takes for dogs to be fully trained can vary depending on several factors. These include the breed of the dog, the age at which training begins, the consistency and effectiveness of the training methods used, individual temperament, and learning ability. On average, the training process can take between several months to a year for a dog to be fully trained. However, it is important to note that training is an ongoing process, and may require occasional reinforcement and continued practice throughout the dog's life.

Final Thoughts:

Training a dog is a process that requires patience and consistency. How long it takes to train a dog can vary depending on several factors, such as the breed, age, and learning abilities. It is also important to know that a little help can also go a long way. With toys, accessories, and modern technologies such as remote training collars, these can also help you in your training sessions. Always consult with a dog trainer or a dog behaviourist should you have any questions about your dog’s training or mannerisms.

Overall, as responsible dog owners what matters most is making training time a positive experience for our furry friends so we can bond with them and teach them how to be safe from harm and be well-behaved companions.

